Adopting a Positive Mindset to Lose Weight


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Mindset is everything. I always used to hear this phrase being tossed around without really thinking about what it meant.

It wasn’t until I struggled with some health issues of my own that I realized the gravity of this phrase and how your mindset has the power to transform your life for the better.

A positive mindset is non-negotiable when it comes to achieving your goals, transforming your life, and making lasting changes.

The key word is lasting because you can easily make changes and stick to them for a short while. But once you have adopted a positive mindset, it is much easier to make these changes long-term and a part of your lifestyle forever.

If you don't think you have a positive mindset, not to worry!

It has been scientifically proven that you can change your mindset if you continue to practice having a positive mindset, are patient with yourself, and are if you are consistent.

Having a positive mindset is foundational for any changes you may want to make in your life.

For example, you can change your eating habits pretty easily. But working on your mindset will help you stick with those changes in the long term.

When you work on your mindset, you become more resilient. That means things don't bother you as much or as quickly as before.

Also, working on your mindset can help you stick to the changes you make more easily.

It will also become easier to start good habits and stop bad ones.

Developing good habits is necessary for any goal you want to achieve, and weight loss is no exception.

Changing Your Mindset to Lose Weight

So let’s look at the effect of mindset on weight loss specifically. Losing weight is so much more than how much you eat and exercise.

According to research, your mindset may be essential to long-term weight loss.

This is because your mindset affects your thought process.

Your thought process is so crucial because it can:

All of this will help you lose weight easier and keep it off.

I came across this excellent quote:

"Weight loss doesn't begin in the gym with a dumbbell; it starts in your head with a decision."

This quote underscores the importance of your mindset for weight loss.

Weight loss starts with your mind.

Once you adopt a more positive mindset, you will find it much easier to handle your weight loss journey's inevitable ups and downs.

Working on your mindset also helps you to keep going when you feel like giving up.

Since mindset is essential for weight loss, let’s look at three ways your mindset could be sabotaging your weight loss goals and what you can do about it.

1. You Don’t Keep Your Motivation In Mind

What is your motivation for wanting to lose weight? Your “why” is your motivation for why you want to lose weight. It’s your meaning. It allows you to keep going when you feel like giving up.

One thing to consider is if your “why” comes from what someone else thinks or your own internal reasons.

Finding your internal reasons will increase the likelihood that you will be able to lose weight and keep it off in the long term.

For some people, their “why” may be to reduce their risk for chronic disease.

For others, their “why” could be to increase their energy to play with their kids more.

My “why” is to manage my endometriosis symptoms and be healthy, so I can see my daughters grow up.

Reasons for losing weight generally fall into two categories: appearance or health.

When your “why” relates to health, it will likely lead to long-term weight loss.

Finding your “why” will help you better handle the challenges and setbacks that often come with trying to lose weight.

It can be helpful to write down your “why” and put it somewhere you will see it often. You can even write it on a dry-erase board or letterboard.

You can also set a recurring reminder of your “why” on your phone. It’s whatever you need to do to keep your “why” in the front of your mind.

When you feel like quitting, it helps to remember why you started.

Related: This is Why You Feel Unmotivated to Work Out (Plus 10 Tips to Get Motivated)

2. You Don’t Plan For Challenges

This is about figuring out what challenges you have to weight loss. Then, you can come up with strategies to overcome those challenges.

You will be more likely to overcome challenges to weight loss if you anticipate and plan for them.

What challenges do you have when it comes to losing weight?

Try writing out these challenges and solutions to overcome them. These challenges can be people, places, or things.

For example, if passing by your favorite fast-food restaurant makes you want fast food, consider taking a different route.

Also, consider what emotions make it more challenging to stick to healthier habits. Some examples are stress, boredom, or anxiety.

For example, you may find that you eat more sugary foods during times of stress. If this happens, try adding stress management activities into your day.

Some examples include meditation, yoga, or journaling.

I love Circle & Bloom for guided meditation. They have something for all stages of life, from trying to conceive to reaching your life goals!

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3. You Don’t Examine Self-Limiting Beliefs

A self-limiting belief is a thought that holds you back in some way. As a result, they can keep you from achieving your goals, taking risks, and becoming who you want to be. They keep you stuck where you are.

Self-limiting beliefs can come from how we were raised, our life experiences, or our education.

Self-limiting beliefs are often referred to as your inner critic. It is the voice that tells you things that will hold you back.

Some common self-limiting beliefs that can hinder weight loss include:

  • I'm not ready

  • I don't have time for...

  • I can't

  • I'm too old

A helpful tip to overcome self-limiting beliefs and your inner critic is affirmations.

An example of something your inner critic might say is, “I’m too old to try to lose weight."

Instead of saying this, try using an affirmation to combat the inner critic.

An example is, “Even though I have not been living a healthy lifestyle, I will start today."

You can start today and take small steps toward your goals. Small changes add up to significant long-term results!

Here are some powerful affirmations to get you started.

Weight loss is so difficult for so many people.

When you encounter self-limiting beliefs that make you want to quit, try gathering evidence of when you have done difficult things in the past.

There are likely times in the past when you have figured out solutions to problems that seemed impossible at the time. It could have been related to family, work, or even a hobby.

This will give you confidence and belief that you can do anything, including losing weight.

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Having a positive mindset is essential for achieving weight loss goals and any other objective you desire. Adopting the right mindset can make your weight loss journey more enjoyable and less daunting.

My hormone wellness coaching program addresses the various factors that can contribute to difficulty losing weight, especially hormonal imbalance.

Inside my program, you will learn simple and practical ways to help you adjust your mindset so that you can start reaching your goals.

You will also receive tools to help you stay motivated, create an action plan tailored to your individual needs, learn healthy habits, and get the support you need throughout the process.

You can gradually incorporate some mindset strategies into your daily routine to help you stay on track. Remember that there may be obstacles along the way, but the right mindset can help you overcome them.

Once you establish healthy mindset strategies, it will make your wellness journey more enjoyable.

Also, it will be easier to adopt healthier habits such as managing stress, getting enough sleep, eating healthily, and exercising regularly, which will support you in losing weight and maintaining it.

Make sure to grab your FREE habit tracker download below to help you start and keep track of healthy habits. With the right tools, you can stay motivated and make your health journey much easier!



Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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