10 Must-Have Natural Beauty Products

10 Must-Have Natural Beauty Products

Have you ever felt like your skincare routine needed a fresh start, a more natural approach that not only enhances your beauty but also nurtures your health from within?

That's exactly where I found myself not too long ago. Struggling to find the right balance for my skin and hormones, I started researching the world of natural beauty products, seeking solutions that would align with my values of health and wellness.

In this post, we’ll look at 10 natural beauty products that have made a big difference in my beauty routine and overall well-being.

Be sure to consult your doctor before using new health products and supplements, especially if you have a medical condition.

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1. Magnesium Spray Oil

Magnesium spray oil has been a versatile staple in my wellness routine. It has so many benefits that you wouldn’t expect.

It's helped me in various ways. Here's why I always keep it on hand:

  • Works wonders as a deodorant alternative helping you avoid harmful ingredients like aluminum

  • Helps me wind down and improve my sleep quality

  • Easily fits into my daily routine for quick health boosts

>>>Shop magnesium spray oil HERE

2. Castor Oil and Castor Oil Packs

Castor oil – your skin's best friend! This multitasking oil has been life-changing in my beauty and wellness routine. It has helped me with sleep, my skin and so much more!

Here's why you should give it a try:

  • Nurtures your skin and gives it a nice glow

  • Can help with relaxation and overall well-being

  • Perfect for targeting specific areas like eye contours and smile lines

  • A versatile addition to beauty rituals with noticeable effects

I use castor oil with abdominal and eye castor oil packs for enhanced benefits!

Here is more on castor packs and their benefits.

>>> Shop Castor Oil and Castor Oil Packs HERE

3. Schmidt’s Deodorant

Schmidt’s deodorant is a practical choice for staying fresh without harmful chemicals like aluminum. I love this deodorant because it’s gentle yet effective. Here's what makes it a top pick for me:

  • A little goes a long way for lasting freshness

  • Comes in various scents to suit different tastes

  • Formulated with sensitive skin in mind

  • Free from harsh chemicals found in typical deodorants

My favorite scent is the vanilla rose, although I love the lavender and sage too!

4. Shea Moisture Face Serum

This beauty essential has become a go-to for me. It helps keep my skin soft and radiant. Here's why I love this product.

  • Hydrates and nourishes for a silky-smooth feel

  • Infused with natural ingredients that smell amazing

  • Easily fits into my daily skincare routine for added glow

  • Leaves my skin looking and feeling revitalized

This product is so gentle and effective that my 9-year-old even uses it!

>>>Shop Shea Moisture Face Serum HERE

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5. Dry Brush

Let's look at the benefits of dry brushing – a simple yet effective way to boost your skin's health.

I love incorporating this practice into my morning routine for that extra glow. Here's why I recommend giving it a try:

  • Stimulates circulation and helps with lymphatic drainage

  • Buffs away dead skin cells for a smoother complexion

  • Preps the skin for better absorption of skincare products

  • Adds a refreshing touch to my skincare regimen

I dry brush 3-4 times a week. Be sure to do dry brushing before you shower and follow up with a moisturizer.

Learn more about dry brushing here.

>>Check Out Dry Brushes HERE

6. Cote Nail Polish and Remover

If you're like me and love a good manicure without the toxic chemicals, Cote nail polish and remover are perfect for you.

These products have made my nail care routine both fun and guilt-free. Here's why I adore them:

  • Non-toxic formulas that are gentle on nails

  • Lots of vibrant colors to choose from

  • Nail polish remover that's also non-toxic, which I love

  • It is vegan and cruelty-free

>>>Shop Cote Nail Polish HERE

7. Dr. Bronner's Sugar Soap

Dr. Bronner's sugar soap is a versatile favorite in my beauty routine. I use it for just about everything! Here's how it fits into my daily life:

  • Perfect for face, hands, body, and even hair

  • Made with pure and natural ingredients

  • Leaves skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated

  • A multi-purpose product that simplifies my routine

  • Smells amazing! It comes in several scents, but my favorites are lemongrass lime, and lavender.

>>>Check Out Dr. Bronner’s Sugar Soap HERE

8. Shea Moisture Lotion

Shea Moisture lotion is a go-to for keeping my skin hydrated and smooth. It's full of natural ingredients that feel great and smell amazing.

Here's why it's a must-have:

  • Deeply hydrating and soothing properties

  • Smells fantastic with natural scents

  • Keeps my skin soft and supple all-day

  • Made with ingredients I trust for everyday use

>>>Shop Shea Moisture Lotion HERE

9. Shea Moisture Face Scrub

For smoother, more radiant skin, Shea Moisture face scrub is my secret weapon. This exfoliating scrub helps improve my skin texture and leaves me feeling fresh.

Here's why it's part of my routine:

  • Exfoliates to reveal smoother skin

  • Improves skin texture and appearance with regular use

  • Gentle enough for frequent use without irritation

  • Packed with natural ingredients that work wonders

>>>Check out Shea Moisture Face Scrub HERE

10. Hello Whitening Toothpaste

Hello toothpaste has transformed my oral care routine with its natural, effective formula. It's been great for my teeth and overall dental health. Here's why I love it:

  • Made with natural ingredients, free from fluoride

  • Helps whiten teeth and maintain oral health

  • My family hasn't had any issues with cavities since using it, even though it’s fluoride-free

  • A refreshing alternative to conventional toothpaste

>>> Shop Hello Whitening Toothpaste HERE

Why Choose Natural Beauty Products

Choosing natural beauty products has been a game-changer for me, and I can’t recommend it enough.

Here’s why I made the switch and why you might want to consider it too:

  • Health Benefits: Traditional beauty products often contain chemicals that can affect your health over time. Natural products are free from harmful substances, making them safer for your skin and overall health.

  • Gentle on Skin: Natural ingredients tend to be gentler and less likely to cause irritation or allergic reactions. This is especially important if you have sensitive skin.

  • Effective Ingredients: Don’t be fooled into thinking natural means less effective. Many natural ingredients, like coconut oil, shea butter, and essential oils, have powerful benefits for the skin.

  • Transparency: Natural beauty brands often prioritize transparency, letting you know exactly what goes into their products. This gives you peace of mind knowing you’re not exposing your body to unknown chemicals.

Making the switch to natural beauty products has allowed me to align my skincare routine with my values of health, wellness, and sustainability.

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Closing Thoughts

Switching to natural beauty products has made a huge difference in my daily routine and overall well-being.

From magnesium spray oil that helps me sleep better to Hello toothpaste that keeps my teeth healthy, these products have become essential for me.

They offer natural, effective solutions without harsh chemicals, which I appreciate. If you're looking to make a similar shift, I hope you'll find these recommendations helpful.

Give them a try and see how they can enhance your beauty routine and health!


Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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