15 Peaceful Slow Motherhood Tips

15 Peaceful Slow Motherhood Tips

Have you ever had one of those moments where time seems to stand still?

I did, a few months ago when my 9-year-old came to me and said, “Mom, why does everything feel so rushed?”

It stopped me in my tracks. In our fast-paced, schedule-packed lives, her simple question was a wake-up call. It made me wonder, when did the last lazy Sunday morning happen or an unplanned afternoon adventure occur?

This quest for a slower, more intentional pace led me down a rabbit hole of peaceful slow motherhood tips that have been a game-changer for our family.

In this post, I’m excited to share with you 15 tips that have not only brought a sense of calm to our home but have also helped me connect more deeply with my kids. From transforming hectic mornings into moments of peace to finding

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Setting the Foundation for Peaceful Slow Motherhood

1. Creating a Calm Environment

Ever walked into a room and felt like the clutter was actually, physically calling out your name? Yeah, me too. It's like every little thing is vying for attention, and suddenly, you're overwhelmed before even starting your day.

But here’s the deal - creating a calm environment at home isn’t just about making things look pretty. It’s about setting the stage for peace and productivity.

Here are a few tips I've found super helpful:

  • Declutter Regularly: Start with one room at a time, and don't try to tackle the whole house in one day. It’s less intimidating this way.

  • Everything in Its Place: A place for everything and everything in its place. It’s old advice, but it works. When items have a designated spot, chaos decreases significantly.

  • Soothing Colors: Consider repainting with soothing colors. You’d be surprised how much of a difference a calming palette can make.

It's all about taking those small steps towards minimizing the visual (and mental!) noise in our lives. Once you start, you’ll feel the difference—a cleaner space really does lead to a clearer mind.

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2. Mindful Mornings

Ever noticed how a rushed morning can throw off your entire day? It's like starting a race with your shoelaces tied together.

Instead, I've been trying something new: mindful mornings. Starting the day on a positive note isn't just feel-good advice. It's a recipe for calmer days.

Here are a few things that have made a big difference for me:

  • Wake Up a Bit Earlier: Yes, sleep is precious, but so is sanity. Those extra 15 minutes can help you not to rush through your morning routine.

  • Gratitude Journaling: Take a moment to jot down three things you're grateful for every morning. It sets a positive tone for the day.

  • A Moment of Silence: Before the day's noise begins, enjoy a quiet cup of coffee or tea. Just sit and be for a moment. It’s surprisingly refreshing.

Incorporating these small practices has seriously transformed my mornings from manic to mindful. And the best part? The calmness carries through the rest of the day.

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3. Practicing Patience

Patience. It's that magical ingredient that can transform parenting from a series of hair-pulling moments into an adventure (mostly) filled with growth and joy.

Easier said than done, right? Especially on those days when everything seems to test your limits. But I've found a few strategies that genuinely help in cultivating patience, both in myself and my little ones:

  • Deep Breaths: Sounds simple, but taking deep breaths is like hitting the pause button on rising frustration. It works wonders.

  • Set Realistic Expectations: Remember, kids will be kids. Setting age-appropriate expectations helps in reducing those sigh-and-roll-your-eyes moments.

  • Quality Time Together: Spending one-on-one time with your child can strengthen your bond and make it easier to be patient with each other.

Incorporating these practices hasn't made me perfect, but it's definitely helped in keeping my cool more often than not. Patience is like a muscle. The more we practice, the stronger it becomes.

Cultivating Connections

4. Quality Time Over Quantity

Have you ever had one of those days where you're technically with your family all day, but by the end, you can't recall a single meaningful moment you shared?

It's a wake-up call that it's not about the hours logged, but how we spend them. Shifting the focus to quality time over quantity has been life-changing for me.

Here’s the skinny on making the most of those moments:

  • Be Fully Present: When you’re with your kids, be there wholeheartedly. That means phones are down, and distractions are away. It’s amazing how much deeper conversations can go when you’re fully engaged.

  • Plan Mini Adventures: You don’t need a full day off or an exotic location. A quick trip to the park or a backyard camping experience can create lasting memories.

  • Turn Mundane into Fun: Even grocery shopping can become a mini-adventure with the right mindset. Play games, laugh, and involve your kids in the process.

These shifts towards quality moments have really made our time together feel more valuable. It’s not about grand gestures but those small, intentional acts of spending time together that fill up the love tank.

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5. Listening Actively

Have you ever caught yourself nodding along to your child's story while your mind is miles away? I've been there more times than I'd like to admit. Actively listening to our kids isn't just about hearing their words. It's about understanding their world.

Here’s what I’ve learned about tuning in:

  • Eye Contact: Get down to their level and look them in the eye. It shows you’re genuinely interested in what they have to say.

  • Repeat Back: Echoing a bit of what they’ve said not only confirms you're listening but also helps clarify their thoughts and feelings.

  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage them to open up more by asking questions that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no.

Practicing these steps has deepened my connection with my kids in ways I didn't expect. It turns out, that when children feel heard, they share more, trust more, and cooperate more.

6. Empathetic Communication

You know those moments when your kiddo comes to you, heart heavy with something that's bothering them, and you're not quite sure how to respond? Yeah, been there.

That's where empathetic communication comes in—it's like a magic key that unlocks a deeper connection.

Here's what I've found really makes a difference:

  • Acknowledge Their Feelings: Sometimes, all they need is to hear, "That sounds really tough," to feel understood.

  • Avoid Immediate Solutions: It's tempting to jump in with advice, but sometimes it's more helpful to just listen and validate their feelings first.

  • Use 'I' Statements: When sharing your thoughts, start with "I" instead of "You." It feels less accusatory and more about sharing perspectives.

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Managing Stress and Overwhelm

7. Self-care for Moms

Let’s be real for a moment—being a mom is like being a superhero without the cape. We juggle a million things, putting everyone else's needs before our own. But it’s important to remember that taking care of ourselves isn’t selfish. It’s essential.

Because how can we pour from an empty cup? Here are some truths I’ve come to realize:

  • Find Your Thing: Whether it's a bubble bath, a good book, or a solo coffee run, find that one thing that helps you recharge and make it a non-negotiable part of your week.

  • It’s Okay to Ask for Help: Seriously, it doesn’t take away from your supermom status. It takes a village, remember?

  • Mindfulness Matters: Even five minutes of quiet meditation or deep breathing exercises can significantly lower stress levels.

Incorporating self-care into my routine has honestly made me a better mom, partner, and friend. It’s not about grand gestures of self-love, but those small moments of kindness towards ourselves that make all the difference.

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8. Setting Realistic Expectations

Expectations. They can be the silent saboteurs of our peace of mind, can't they?

I've been down the rabbit hole of aiming for perfection in everything—parenting, work, personal projects.

But here's the kicker: striving for perfection is like chasing a mirage. It's exhausting and, frankly, impossible.

Here's what I've learned about keeping my expectations in check:

  • Celebrate Small Wins: Every step forward is progress, no matter how small. It’s about progress, not perfection.

  • Be Kind to Yourself: Would you hold a friend to the same unrealistic standards you set for yourself? Probably not. Extend that same kindness to yourself.

  • Adjust as You Go: Life's unpredictable. Be willing to reassess and adjust your goals as needed. Flexibility is a superpower.

Learning to set realistic expectations has been liberating. It’s about giving your best without sacrificing your sanity on the altar of perfectionism.

Plus, it’s a great lesson in resilience and adaptability—not just for us but for our kids watching and learning from us every day.

9. Learning to Say No

Saying no. It's only two letters, but man, can it be hard! We live in a go-go-go world where saying yes feels like the only way to keep up.

But here’s a truth bomb I’ve discovered—the power of saying no is real, especially when it comes to safeguarding my family's well-being.

Here's how I've learned to wield this tiny but mighty word:

  • Assess Your Priorities: Not everything that demands your attention deserves it. What truly matters? Start there.

  • It’s About Quality, Not Quantity: Piling on activities doesn't enrich our lives. Often, it just leads to burnout. Choose fewer, more meaningful commitments.

  • Practice Makes Perfect: The more you say no, the easier it becomes. Start with small, low-stakes situations and build your confidence.

Learning to say no has opened up space for what really counts, allowing my family to focus on quality time and experiences that bring us joy and fulfillment.

And it's incredibly freeing to realize you don't have to be everything to everyone.

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Implementing Slow Motherhood Practices

10. Mindful Eating

Ever find yourself scarfing down a meal without really tasting it? I know I have! But mindful eating is so important.

It's not just about what we eat, but how we eat. Making mealtime a slow, enjoyable experience has turned our dinners into something we all look forward to.

Here are a few nuggets of wisdom I've picked up along the way:

  • Turn Off the Tech: Phones, TVs, tablets—off they go. It’s incredible how much more engaging conversations can be without distractions.

  • Chew Slowly: It’s simple but effective. Chewing slowly allows us to savor the flavors and textures of our food, plus it's better for digestion.

  • Gratitude Moment: We start by saying one thing we’re grateful for. It sets a positive tone and brings a moment of reflection to our meal.

Slowing down and being present has not only made our meals more enjoyable but it's also brought us closer as a family. Plus, who doesn't want to actually enjoy the taste of their food?

11. Outdoor Adventures

Who else feels like a cooped-up chicken when stuck indoors for too long? I know my family and I do.

That's why we've made it a mission to seek outdoor adventures, big or small. There's something magical about watching the world through your child's eyes as they explore nature.

Here’s what we’ve discovered:

  • Stress Reduction: Something about the fresh air and green spaces makes all those worries seem a bit smaller.

  • Boost in Creativity: Nature’s wonders have this unique way of sparking imagination in kids (and adults!).

  • Physical Health: Whether it’s a gentle walk or a vigorous hike, moving our bodies in nature beats a gym any day.

  • Enhanced Focus: Time spent unplugged from screens and immersed in the natural world has a remarkable effect on concentration. It’s like a reset button for the brain, helping both kids and adults refocus and recharge.

  • Family Bonding: Sharing these outdoor adventures brings us closer together as a family.

Diving into outdoor adventures has not only brought us closer to nature but to each other. It's incredible how a simple day out, disconnected from screens and the hustle of everyday life, can recharge and rejuvenate the whole family.

12. Creative Play

Remember when a cardboard box was a castle, a spaceship, or whatever we wanted it to be? That's the magic of creative play, and it’s something I’m passionate about keeping alive for my kids.

It’s not only play. It’s a doorway to endless possibilities, encouraging creativity and imagination that knows no bounds. Here's how we keep the magic alive:

  • Limit Screen Time: Less screen means more space for their imaginations to run wild.

  • Provide the Tools: Art supplies, building blocks, costumes—anything that gets their creative juices flowing.

  • Join in the Fun: Sometimes, I jump into their world of make-believe. It’s a blast and shows them their ideas are valued.

Fostering an environment where creative play is a priority has been a joy to witness.

The wild stories, the inventive games, and the pure joy of watching them create worlds from their imagination—it’s a reminder of the power of play. Plus, it’s just plain fun!


15 Peaceful Slow Motherhood Tips

Building Resilience and Gratitude

13. Teaching Resilience

Life's a bit like a roller coaster—full of ups and downs, twists and turns. Teaching my kids to ride it out, especially during the dips, is something I hold dear.

It’s all about equipping them to face challenges head-on and bounce back stronger. Here’s how we’re learning to weave resilience into our daily lives:

  • Modeling Behavior: Kids are always watching, so I try to show them how to handle setbacks with grace (easier said than done, but worth it).

  • Encouraging Problem-Solving: Instead of swooping in to fix every problem, I nudge them to think of solutions on their own. It's amazing what they come up with!

  • Celebrating Effort: Success isn’t just about the outcome. It’s about the effort they put in. We celebrate the trying, not just the triumphs.

Fostering resilience hasn’t only helped my kids cope with life’s little (and big) hiccups. It’s taught me a thing or two about grit and perseverance.

And it is so rewarding to see them face challenges with a ‘can-do’ attitude.

14. Expressing Gratitude

There's something about gratitude that just changes the entire vibe of our household. It’s like flipping a switch from "meh" to "wow, life’s pretty awesome," even on those ordinary days.

Injecting a little thankfulness into our routine has been eye-opening, and here’s how you can do it:

  • Gratitude Jar: Put a jar in your house where everyone drops notes about what they’re thankful for. Reading them together can be the highlight of our week.

  • Thank You Notes: Old school, right? But sending out thank you notes for even the smallest acts has brought us closer to the people in our lives.

  • Daily Check-ins: At dinner, everyone shares one thing they’re grateful for. It can be anything from a sunny day to a good grade.

15. Celebrating Small Wins

Have you ever noticed how we’re quick to brush off the small victories, eagerly chasing the next big thing?

Well, I decided to switch gears and start celebrating those tiny triumphs, and boy, has it shifted the energy around here.

It’s about recognizing and celebrating every achievement, no matter the size. Here’s how we make every win count:

  • Victory Dance: Yep, we literally do a happy dance for anything good, from acing a test to finishing an art project.

  • Win Wall: We have a spot on the fridge where we stick notes of our daily wins. It’s a colorful reminder of our achievements.

  • Shout-Outs: Dinner time doubles as our shout-out session, where we cheer on the day’s victories, big or small.

Wrapping Up

We've covered a lot! From the magic of mindful eating to the joy of celebrating every tiny win, these 15 peaceful slow motherhood tips are all about savoring the small moments and building a loving, resilient family.

It's not always easy, and there are days when everything feels like a bit of a juggle. But by focusing on these simple yet impactful practices, we're creating memories and lessons that enrich our lives and our children's futures.


Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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