12 Powerful Relaxation Techniques for Work Stress


Are you feeling overwhelmed at work and not sure how to cope? We all have bad days. But unrelenting stress can be draining and make it hard to focus on the tasks in front of you.

The good news is that it’s possible to manage stress levels through various relaxation techniques that help calm the mind and body!

In this blog post, we'll cover some of the best relaxation strategies so that you'll know exactly how to relax when stressful times come around.

These techniques are effective whether you work outside of the home, or you are a remote worker.

Keep reading on for easy ways to take a deep breath and clear your head during hectic work hours!

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Why is Stress Management Important?

Stress management is a crucial part of staying healthy and productive. It’s also essential for maintaining good physical and mental health.

When you are stressed, your body releases hormones like cortisol, which can have a negative impact on your overall well-being.

Learning how to manage stress can help you:

  • Ease the adverse effects of stress

  • Boost energy levels

  • Improve concentration and productivity

  • Reduce anxiety and depression symptoms

  • Achieve better health

With the right tools and techniques, you can become a master at managing your stress levels each day!

Effects of Chronic Stress

Chronic stress can have long-term damaging effects on your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Chronic stress can:

  • Weaken your immune system

  • Increase the risk of heart disease and stroke

  • Cause insomnia

  • Lead to depression and anxiety

  • Contribute to memory loss

  • Lead to exhaustion and fatigue, as the body doesn't have time to recover from one period of stress before another begins

  • High blood pressure 

  • Take a toll on your quality of life

Symptoms of Stress 

Symptoms of stress can vary from person to person, but some common signs include the following:

  • Headaches

  • Muscle tension

  • Difficulty sleeping and nightmares

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Irritability

  • Impatience

  • Anger outbursts

  • Digestive issues like nausea or diarrhea

  • Chest pain

  • Increased heart rate

  • Increased sweating

  • Rapid breathing

It's essential to recognize the different signs of stress so that you can take steps to manage it before it gets worse.

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Things that Contribute to Work-Related Stress

Work stress can occur due to a variety of factors, such as:

  • Tight deadlines

  • An overwhelming workload

  • Unclear expectations from bosses or colleagues

  • Lack of control over the tasks you're expected to complete

  • Long working hours

  • Poor job security

  • Feeling undervalued or unrecognized for your hard work

  • Conflict between yourself and other colleagues or superiors

Learning how to deal with these situations is key to reducing work-related stress.

Health Benefits of Relaxation

Relaxation practices can benefit your health in several ways, including that regular relaxation can:

  • Help reduce physical tension, muscle aches, and pains and improve your physical health.

  • Enhance your mood, reduce stress, and help you stay focused throughout the day.

  • Boost your immune system and reduce fatigue.

  • Help lower blood pressure, improve digestion, and promote better sleep.

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Importance of Workplace Stress Management 

Workplace stress management is essential to ensure a healthy and productive work environment.

When stress levels are too high, it can lead to poor performance, increased absenteeism, anxiety, and depression.

Creating an environment where employees feel supported and valued will help improve:

  • Morale

  • Focus on work tasks

  • Relationships between colleagues

Employers should educate their employees about understanding and dealing with stress in the workplace.

This education could include providing resources such as stress management courses or workshops.

These resources can help employees learn how to cope with stressful situations.

12 Relaxation Exercises You Can Use for Stress at Work

Here are 12 of the best ways to relieve stress during your workday!

1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation is an effective way to help relieve stress in the workplace.

It involves tensing and releasing different muscle groups to release built-up tension and reduce stress levels.

You start with one muscle group, such as your feet, to perform progressive muscle relaxation.

Tense it for five seconds before releasing it, and then relax for 15-30 seconds. You then move up to your calves, thighs, abs, chest, arms, hands, and face.

You can repeat this process several times daily to help manage stress levels throughout the workday.

Practicing progressive muscle relaxation helps reduce anxiety and increases productivity at work by allowing you to stay focused on the tasks at hand instead of being overwhelmed by stress.

2. Deep Breathing Exercises 

Deep breathing exercises are a great way to relieve stress at work. Taking deep breaths and concentrating on the exhalations helps reduce body tension and clear the mind.

To do deep breathing:

  1. Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

  2. Place one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen. Your bottom hand should be the one moving. The top hand should remain still.

  3. Inhale through your nose for about 4 seconds. You will feel your abdomen expand.

  4. Hold your breath for 7 seconds.

  5. Exhale slowly through your mouth for about 8 seconds. Your mouth should be relaxed.

  6. Do this for at least 5 minutes.

Deep breathing exercises help to lower levels of cortisol, which is a hormone associated with stress. Lower cortisol levels will help you remain calm under pressure and stay focused on your work tasks without stress or anxiety.

3. Mindfulness Meditation

Doing short mindfulness meditation is an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety in the workplace. Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on your breath, body sensations, and thoughts or feelings in the present moment.

To do a short meditation, start by sitting comfortably with your eyes closed and focusing on your breath.

Notice how it feels as you inhale and exhale slowly. Notice any physical sensations or emotions that arise. Allow these to come and go without judgment.

If your mind begins to wander, gently bring it back to the present moment by focusing on your breath again. Do this for at least 5 minutes daily to help manage work stress.

You can do this in your office at work if you have one, or you can take short breaks and do it in your car, for example.

Mindfulness meditation helps to clear the mind of worries and anxieties, allowing you to stay focused.

It also enables you to gain perspective on difficult situations in the workplace.

It can also increase productivity by helping you be more present in your work tasks and make better decisions when dealing with stressful situations at work.

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4. Body Scan Meditation 

A body scan is a mindfulness practice that focuses on your physical body and sensations in the present moment.

To do a short body scan meditation, start by finding a comfortable position and sitting upright with your eyes closed. Focus on your breath and slowly draw your attention to different body parts, starting from the top or bottom.

Notice any sensations or feelings that arise, such as tension or tightness in certain areas.

Take a few deep breaths and imagine the area releasing this tension with each exhalation. Repeat this exercise until you have scanned through all parts of your body.

Aim to do this for at least 5 minutes.

Body scan meditation helps reduce your stress levels because it allows you to be more aware of how stress manifests itself physically within the body.

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5. Simple Stretches 

Doing simple stretches can be an effective way to reduce stress and tension in the workplace.

Simple stretching exercises help to release muscular tension and promote relaxation. This relaxation helps improve your mood and increase focus on work tasks.

Try stretching for 5-10 minutes a day. Stretching helps ease stress levels by allowing you to take a break from stressful situations and relax to refocus on tasks with increased clarity.

It can also prevent further stress or fatigue by helping keep muscles relaxed throughout the workday.

Click HERE for some quick and easy stretches to do at work.

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6. Get Some Fresh Air

Getting some fresh air can be a great way to relieve stress in the workplace. Taking a break outside allows you to take a breather from stressful situations and refocus your attention on the present moment.

Find a spot outdoors where you can sit or stand while focusing on your breath. Take some deep breaths and notice how the air feels as it enters and exits your body.

Notice any feelings or sensations that arise at that moment. You can also use this time to practice gratitude by looking around you and appreciating nature's beauty.

Aim to get some fresh air for at least 10-15 minutes.

Getting some fresh air gives you a chance for mental health check-ins. These check-ins can help promote healthier working habits.

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7. Have a Support System at Work

Having a support system at work can be an invaluable resource when dealing with stress in the workplace.

Finding a group of like-minded individuals with whom you can talk and share your thoughts can help reduce feelings of isolation. It will also give you a healthier perspective on your work life.

Having a team or mentor's support can make difficult tasks more manageable. Support can also increase your sense of accomplishment and reduce stress or anxiety.

To build a support system, start by identifying people you trust and have good relationships with at work. Talk to them about your feelings and ask for their advice on any issues causing you stress.

Create boundaries by setting clear expectations so everyone knows what they can do to help each other.

Checking in on each other's physical, mental, and emotional well-being helps form strong bonds within the team. It also allows everyone to work better while healthily managing their stress.

8. Take a Walk

Taking a walk can be an effective way to relieve stress in the workplace.

Walking helps you physically by providing an opportunity for movement and exercise. It also helps you mentally by allowing you to take a break from any stressful situations.

Find a route around or near the workplace where you can comfortably and safely walk. Try walking for at least 10 minutes to help relieve stress at work. You don’t even have to walk 10 minutes at one time. You could take two 5 minutes breaks to walk!

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9. Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an ancient form of exercise that you can use to reduce stress in the workplace.

Practicing this low-impact martial art helps to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which leads to feelings of relaxation. It’s also great to help you stay present by focusing on slow, rhythmic movements and breathwork.

Try Tai Chi videos like this one to start.

Once you are familiar with these basic exercises, progress on more complex forms until you feel comfortable following your own sequence of movements.

Not every workplace will have a suitable space for practicing Tai Chi. But it can be beneficial if you are able to do it.

If you work from home, it will be much easier to incorporate Tai Chi as a stress-busting technique!

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10. Eat a Healthy Snack 

Eating a healthy snack during work breaks can be an effective way to manage stress levels.

When you feel overwhelmed or stressed, it's easy to reach for unhealthy snacks such as chips or sugary foods. But these may make you feel worse after the initial burst of energy.

Instead, try packing nutritious, energizing snacks to munch on between tasks.

Whether it is a piece of fruit, some nuts, and seeds, or a handful of energizing trail mix - healthy snacking helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels, which will help keep you energized.

Eating healthy snacks also provides essential vitamins and minerals throughout the day.

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11. Visual Imagery 

Visual imagery is a great way to reduce stress in the workplace. This technique involves using images, symbols, and stories to help unlock creativity and problem-solving abilities.

It helps to bring clarity and focus to challenging tasks by using visual cues, which you can renew throughout the day.

To get started with visual imagery, take a few moments in a quiet space away from distractions.

Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and begin picturing different objects or scenes that make you feel relaxed or inspired.

You could imagine yourself in a peaceful field of wildflowers or walking down a beach - whatever helps you to feel more relaxed and centered.

Keep this image in your mind before returning to your work task. The goal is to keep refocusing on it whenever you start feeling overwhelmed by work-related stress.

You can use visual imagery when brainstorming ideas for projects or difficult problems.

Creating vivid pictures of possible solutions is an effective way of staying motivated and empowered throughout the day.

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12. Listen to Music 

Music has the power to relax you, elevate your mood, and can also help you to stay productive.

When feeling overwhelmed or stressed by daily tasks, take a few moments to listen to some of your favorite tunes or explore new music. Listening to music helps to create a sense of escape and can be a great energizing break throughout the day.

It's important to choose whichever type of music works best for you. It should be something that relaxes your mind and helps you focus.

You can also play some background music while working. Playing background music can block out external distractions and keep you motivated.

Tips for Getting into the Habit of Using Stress Relief Techniques at Work 

Here are some tips for getting into the habit of implementing stress-relief activities at work:

  • Make sure you find time to step away from your desk and take a break.

  • Block specific time off on your calendar so that you are not interrupted during your breaks and others know that you will be unavailable.

  • Create a list of tasks you need to achieve each day before leaving work so that you can stay on track when distractions creep in.

  • Prioritize breaks throughout the day - even five minutes away from your chair can help stimulate concentration and motivation.

  • Have something specific planned for each break - whether going for a walk or listening to music. Having something planned helps create structure around taking mini stress relief sessions.

  • Try to get outside and get some fresh air, as this can be great for clearing your mind and refocusing on tasks afterward.



Reducing stress in the workplace is essential for remaining productive and happy.

The simple relaxation techniques outlined above are a great way to start introducing moments of calm into your workday and become more mindful of your mental health.

You don't have to implement all of these ideas at once! Try picking one or two of the stress relief techniques outlined above and work on integrating them into your daily routine.

As you become more comfortable with these activities, you can add new ones that you think might be enjoyable.

Finding what works for you and your lifestyle is key to managing stress levels in the workplace.

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Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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