18 Easy Work From Home Exercises to Stay Active

18 Easy Work From Home Exercises to Stay Active

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in work mode when working from home?

It can be so easy to get caught up in answering emails, catching up on tasks, and just trying to keep your head above water that it tends to feel like there's no time left for anything else—including exercise.

As someone who has worked from home for several years, I understand the challenges of staying active and healthy during the workday.

But did you know that dedicating even a short amount of time each day towards keeping active while working from home can increase productivity and improve your overall well-being?

That’s why I've come up with a list of 18 simple exercises that are perfect for the everyday work-from-homer!

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Why is it Important to Stay Active as a Remote Worker?

Working from home has become increasingly popular. It provides an excellent opportunity to stay healthy. But it can also lead to a more sedentary lifestyle.

Here are some reasons why it’s essential to stay active for remote employees for both mental health and physical health:

  • Improving overall well-being

  • Reducing stress and anxiety

  • Increasing productivity and focus

  • Increasing energy levels

  • Promoting healthier eating habits

  • Keeping the mind sharp and alert

  • Increasing positivity and motivation

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What Makes Staying Active Difficult While Working From Home?

Working from home can be a great way to stay productive and complete tasks. But it may also make it challenging to stay active.

A daily commute and lack of colleagues to inspire you to take breaks can make it harder for remote workers to keep up with an exercise routine.

Working long hours can also make it difficult.

The good news is that you don't need an hour-long workout.

Even taking a few minutes throughout the day to do some exercises or go for a walk will provide you with many benefits!

Signs You Need More Physical Activity

Do you need to get moving more often? Here are some signs that physical activity may be beneficial for you:

  • Feeling sluggish or low energy throughout the day

  • Experiencing constant cravings for unhealthy snacks

  • Consistently having difficulty sleeping through the night

  • Noticing an increase in weight gain

  • Struggling to focus and concentrate on tasks

  • Consistently feeling muscle tension or soreness

  • Experiencing difficulty with physical tasks you used to be able to do easily

  • Having trouble reducing stress levels, even after trying relaxation techniques

  • Noticing a decrease in motivation

  • Developing a weakened immune system

Staying active is important for both physical and mental well-being.

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, it could be a sign that you need to incorporate more physical activity into your life!

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18 Easy Ways to Stay Active While Working From Home

Here are a few of my favorite ways to stay active while working from home.

1. Standing Desk

If you're looking for a practical way to stay active while working from home, consider using a standing desk in your home office!

Standing at your desk instead of sitting can burn more calories and help increase energy levels.

Also, investing in a standing mat can help with posture and reduce strain on feet and legs. Standing more can also aid digestion and reduce heart disease risk.

2. Take a Walk Outside

Walking outside is one of the best ways to stay active! It's an easy way to exercise while enjoying the fresh air.

It’s an excellent form of physical activity and an opportunity to take in your surroundings while leaving your desk.

Making the most of your break by going for a 10-15 minute walk around your neighborhood can be an enjoyable and beneficial experience.

3. Get Your Steps in

Getting your daily steps in a while working from home is an important part of staying physically active and healthy.

You can try walking or running in place. You can also use a reminder app to remind you to take a few minutes each hour for a short break to stretch your legs and get some steps in.

Taking the time for some physical activity is essential for your well-being. It can help reduce stress, improve mood, and increase energy levels.

Getting your steps in is easy and practical to add to your daily workout!

I use a fitness watch to track my steps!

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4. Walk Around While on Calls

Taking conference calls while walking around your home or outside is a great way to stay active and get fresh air during the day.

Walking while on a phone call helps to keep your mind alert, improves focus, and allows you to multitask efficiently.

It can also help relieve stress by providing an outlet for physical activity.

5. Yoga

Yoga is an excellent way to stay active while working from home. You can set up your yoga mat in the living room or wherever you have space.

You can follow along with YouTube classes for a low-cost solution. For those who prefer more guidance, many live online yoga classes are available to join.

Not only does yoga strengthen and tone your body, but it also offers mental benefits like improved focus and deeper relaxation.

Whether you're just getting into it or a seasoned yogi, consider incorporating this form of exercise into your daily routine.

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6. Resistance Bands Exercises

Resistance band exercises are a great way to stay active while working from home. This type of strength training is low-impact and can be done with minimal equipment.

All you need is a set of resistance bands. Resistance bands come in varying levels of resistance. You can use them for various workouts designed to target different muscles.

They are great for strengthening and toning your body and improving balance, stability, and coordination. They are also great for getting a good sweat going!

7. HIIT Workouts

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts are a great way to stay active while working from home.

With HIIT, getting an exercise that works your entire body doesn't take a lot of time. All you need is an open area and some determination.

If you are short on time, there are plenty of quick workouts available online that you can do in as little as 5 minutes.

You can look on YouTube for a short one that targets the muscles you want to focus on - anything from a full-body session to an arm-centric one.

Or, if you have more time, combine two or three different HIIT workouts into one longer session.

HIIT offers an effective and efficient way to stay active while working from home!

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8. Set up a Simple Home Gym

If you're looking for a way to stay active while working from home, setting up a simple home gym may be just the thing.

You don't need to go out and buy tons of equipment or heavy weights. You can create an effective home gym with just a few pieces of simple equipment and some creativity.

Adjustable dumbbells and an exercise ball are great for full-body workouts incorporating strength training and cardio.

If you have limited space, try getting a pull-up bar or resistance bands for your primary exercise form.

You also don’t need a whole room dedicated to your home gym. My home gym is also in my workroom!

Whatever equipment you choose, having a workout space will motivate you to stay active while working from home.

9. Treadmill Desk

With a treadmill desk, you can combine exercise and work into one task. You can get in some physical activity while still being productive.

By working at a lower intensity level than running or jogging would require, you can easily type, make phone calls, or attend virtual meetings with little interruption.

Plus, the extra movement is linked to improved mental sharpness and focus, which can boost productivity.

10. Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises don't need any extra equipment or gym visits. This means you can easily do them at home. Some of the most common and effective bodyweight exercises include:

  • Push-ups

  • Squats

  • Wall Sits

  • Tricep Dips

  • Calf Raises

These exercises are great for building strength, improving balance and coordination, and burning calories. And you don't even have to leave your house!

11. Go for a Bike Ride

Whether outdoor cycling or indoor biking, this is an easy and convenient way to exercise daily.

Outdoor cycling has the added benefits of fresh air and scenery. Indoor biking offers the convenience of doing it anytime and in any weather.

Whichever way you choose, bike rides can help improve cardiovascular health and burn calories.

12. Elliptical Machine

Ellipticals are great because they are low-impact cardio machines. They can help improve cardiovascular health and build strength in your lower body without leaving the comfort of your own home.

13. Planking

Planking is a great way to build strength and core stability. You do them in short bursts throughout the day.

Plus, if you do them before starting your day's work, it'll get them out of the way quickly so that you don't forget them throughout the day.

Try planking if you want an easy and convenient way to stay active while working from home!

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14. Dance it Out!

Taking short dancing breaks can be a great way to get your heart rate up and have fun!

Dancing is a cardiovascular exercise that helps build strength and stamina. It can also relieve stress, which is essential when you are in the house all day.

Plus, it's an enjoyable way to break up the monotony of the workday.

If you want a fun way to stay active while working from home, consider setting aside a few minutes to do some dancing!

15. Do Bicep Curls at Your Desk

Bicep curls are one of the easiest desk exercises! They will help you build strength and muscle tone in your arms.

You can do them using a weight, or if you don't have access to any weights, you can use everyday household items such as a gallon water jug or cans.

Doing curls at your desk throughout the day can help keep your energy levels up and be a great way to break up the workday.

16. Trampoline

An indoor trampoline can be a great way to stay active while working from home!

It is a fun way to get your heart rate up, helps work out your muscles, and improves coordination.

Plus, jumping on a trampoline can relieve much-needed stress after hours of sitting at your desk.

17. Jump Rope Exercises

Jump rope exercises are a great way to stay active while working from home!

Not only does it help increase your heart rate and agility, but it also burns calories and tones your body.

Also, you can jump rope in small spaces, making it an ideal exercise option for those with limited space at home.

18. Take a Stretch Break

A stretch break is important to your movement and exercise routine, especially when working from home.

Desk stretches are simple, easy to do, and help prevent aches and pains from sitting for long periods.

Simple exercises like rolling your neck, stretching your arms, and stretching your legs can help you stay energized and focused.

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Tips to Starting Exercises While Working from Home

Here are some tips to help you get started on making exercise part of your daily routine:

  • Wear your workout clothes during the workday

  • Set alarms to remind you to move or use a fitness tracker watch

  • Put your exercise breaks on your calendar

  • Set a goal and find ways to stay motivated

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What Are Some Other Ways to Stay Healthy While Working From Home?

Here are some more tips to help you take control of your health while working from home:

Staying hydrated is essential to staying healthy while working from home. Keep a water bottle nearby and take frequent sips throughout the day.

  • Eating healthy snacks can help keep energy levels up and reduce the urge to snack on unhealthy items.

  • Take the time to cook and eat lunch at home so you know exactly what's in your food.

  • Don't skip breakfast, as it provides essential nutrients for your body and helps fuel your day.

  • Establish a good work-life balance for better mental and physical well-being.

  • Take time off for stress management daily, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga.

  • Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day, even if it's just for a few minutes, to clear your mind and refresh yourself.

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If you want to take your fitness journey to the next level and receive personalized guidance and support, sign up for a complimentary strategy session with me today!

As a certified holistic health coach, I specialize in 1:1 wellness coaching for women. Whether your goal is to improve your fertility or hormone balance, I can provide you with the guidance and support you need to achieve your goals.

So let's chat about how my coaching program can help you reach your health and wellness goals. Sign up now for your free support call!


Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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